P i o t r K a c h n y
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More about the Artist
Piotr Kachny was born in 1978 in Kluczbork (Poland). He graduated from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (artistic and pedagogical department, diploma of painting) and the National College of Art and Design (Dublin)
He paints dealing with creative photography and photomontage. Besides, music, psychology, and philosophy are also reflected in his art as an inspiration for the mind.
Both in painting and photography, he is interested in the human figure. He often uses images and photos of known persons as a base for building an image. The most important in the artworks is what is very often invisible at first glance: emotions, feelings, state of mind, and character ... In addition, the artworks show very often the sensual side of human beings - the side that has been suppressed due to interaction of culture, related conventions including education and upbringing
That’s why the images of women are explored most frequently. The women are usually young, beautiful and sensual. Sometimes the subject is concerned with male-female relationships. But above all, the subjects like sensuality and sexuality that are taboo for many religions, and social, political or sociological systems. The artist simply asks:
”Do sexuality and sensuality exclude spirituality? Or they are related in some ways?”
Moreover, all sorts of attitudes and patterns of social behaviour are explored in the artworks
Othar artworks by Piotr Kachny